South Parker Resort Services
Are you thinking of selling your timeshare or vacation Club membership?
Selling your timeshare can be a very frustrating process, especially when you do not know where to start.
What makes matters even worse is dealing with Timeshare companies that want you to pay them large amounts of money in order to find a buyer for your Property.
Let me make this very clear (NEVER PAY AN UPFRONT FEE TO FIND A BUYER) I hope you understand that this is the first rule in timeshare sales.
You also need to understand there is a difference between finding a buyer and actually selling your property, once you find a buyer you must make sure that you receive your offer in writing and signed by the Buyer.
Once you have the signed written offer you have to make a decision on whether you want to accept or decline the offer to purchase that you have received, if you accept the offer to purchase then you have actually sold your property.
Selling a timeshare is just like any other business transaction there’s a process, now the process to selling a timeshare is actually very simple, find a buyer, come to an agreement, execute that agreement, receive payments, transfer the property, The problem with the simple process of selling a timeshare is, even though it is simple it's not easy, there’s a big difference between simple and easy
Now just like with any other process in the world in order to get anything done you have to start with step one, and in this situation step one is finding a buyer and that’s where things can get tricky because if you’re like most timeshare owners you really do not know how to find a buyer for your property.
The first thing you need to remember is that you have to be careful there are many timeshare companies that try to take advantage of timeshare owners when it comes to finding buyers for properties, most of these companies are called timeshare resell companies, these companies are known as listing marketing or advertising companies.
When it comes to these types of companies the only thing you need to know is, stay away from them, they will charge you hundreds if not thousands of dollars for nothing more than a web page that they will add to their website, and your ad does not cost them any money whatsoever to put up and maintain because they pay less than a hundred dollars a year for their website and it has unlimited pages.
South Parker Resort Services can help you find a buyer for your timeshare or vacation membership at no charge whatsoever to you, all you have to do is submit your personal and property information to us and when we have someone that is looking to buy at your resort and if your property does in fact match what our client is looking to purchase we will then contact you, confirm that you’re still trying to sell your property and get your permission to send to you our clients offer to purchase your property.
Once you have received the offer to purchase your Property at that point we have in fact brought you a buyer for your Property.
What you decide to do with that offer is up to you and you alone, either accept or decline, it is really as simple as that.
The Seller has no power to negotiate only to accept or decline the offer that the buyer is presenting; if the offer is unacceptable then the seller can decline and wait for a better offer from another buyer.
If the Terms and conditions are Unacceptable then the sellers Information will be deleted and no future offers will be sent to the Seller.
When accepting an offer from our company the seller has two choices.
In Person; if the Seller does not wish to have any money out of pocket or up-front Fees then the seller can choose to do an in person closing.
By mail; Seller may choose to handle this sale from the comfort of their own home or office all legal paperwork can be mailed to the seller however some minimal cost are involved.

South Parker Resort Services

South Parker Resort Services

South Parker Resort Services

South Parker Resort Services